Reconciliation Over A Frittata
Reconciliation Over A Frittata
The food film Big Night ends
with a five-minute scene that takes viewers on an emotional roller coaster. This
final scene is such a memorable part of the film, that captures the audience's
full attention.
This long-shot scene consists of very
little dialogue, where the camera does not move at all, yet it is so powerful. During
the scene we see the entire process of Secondo cooking breakfast the morning
after the big feast. As he cooks the frittata, we see the simplicity of this
dish. To cook the dish, all it took was some olive oil, three eggs, a pinch of
salt, and a heated pan. The eggs are then just beaten lightly by Secondo with a
fork, mixed lightly in the pan, and then flipped perfectly one time, completing
the dish.

This scene is the aftermath of the
night before. The aftermath of the feast, the conversation between Secondo and
Pascal, and of course the fight between Primo and Secondo. As Secondo and
Cristiano are eating, Primo walks into the kitchen, and as viewers we are not
sure how this interaction between the two is about to go.
This turns out to be a moment of
reconciliation between the brothers. As Primo enters, Secondo serves him the
remaining third of the frittata. The brothers are eating silently next to one
another. Cristiano then leaves the scene, leaving the focus on Primo and Secondo.
We then see them put their arms around each other, Secondo first, followed by Primo.
This is a non-verbal action that represents their reconciliation, as well as their
brotherhood. At the end of the day, these brothers love each other, and will
always be there for one another. The final scene symbolizes the importance of
family and how the brothers will be sticking together. They are not going to go
back to Italy, and they are not going to go work with Pascal. They are going to
continue to run ‘Paradise’ and continue to run it...together.
The final five minutes of Big
Night helps to wrap the story up in a subtle, emotional, and powerful way,
that leaves a huge impression on the audience as we view the film.
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